Progressive web apps for home delivery

Why Your Business Needs a Progressive Web App

Currently, 72% of traffic is coming from mobile devices — it is crucial for merchants to provide customers with the best shopping experience to engage their its customers and increase loyalty and most importantly maintain customers.

Google reports, when an eCommerce business switches to a Progressive Web App, they generally witness a 20% boost in revenue and with conversion rates on mobile doubling in some cases.

Any business should consider delivering their services not just as a standard online store, but as a Progressive Web app. With the majority of eCommerce websites not adopting this new technology yet, they represent a rare and exciting opportunity to get ahead of the competition.

With the recent Covid-19 events, its never a better opportunity to provide some sort of delivery service or click and collect to adapt your business to these new challenges, which not only enables survival but perhaps opens up a new market for business.

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